When carrying out any type of work, it is normal for some doubts to arise. Pay attention to the following advice.
Carrying out work at home or in the building may seem like something that only concerns you or the other condominium owners, but in some situations you may have to report it to the City Council or even ask for a license.
If you need to carry out improvement work on your property, we advise you to read this article carefully.
Improvement works: pay attention to noise
Renovation, recovery or conservation works can only be carried out on weekdays and between 8 am and 8 pm. Although this type of work carried out inside residential, commercial or service buildings is not subject to the issuance of a special noise license, according to the General Noise Regulation, it is advisable to post in a place accessible to the building's residents, information with the duration planned works and their time period.
Does the debris caused imply a license to occupy the public road?
Another very important situation that you should be careful with is the waste produced by construction sites. In this sense, you should contact the City Council to find out whether the debris and the need to place containers or deposits of materials, or even scaffolding or siding, implies having a license to occupy the public road. In fact, the municipality may even indicate the destination you will give to the waste resulting from the works.
In what other situations is a license required?
Apart from the issue of the debris caused, which may or may not require a license from the Chamber, there are other situations in which the same may be required. Find out now which ones:
If your condominium intends to make any type of change to the building's facade, such as enlarging it, changing the number of floors or painting it, a licensing request will have to be made to the City Council. But if it's just a paint touch-up, it's no longer required and you don't even need to report it to the local authority.
Close a balcony
In this case, to enclose a balcony and make it a marquee, a license may or may not be required, depending on the municipality where you live. You may only have to make a communication to the Council, but to be sure that you are not breaking the law, it is best to obtain information from the local authority.
In any case, if it is a building on a horizontal property, the work will always have to be authorized by the condominium by a two-thirds majority.
Rebuild a dilapidated house
If the property or building in question is located in a protection zone for classified properties or in the process of being classified, this implies that you request a work permit.
Works at home: which do not require a license?
You can carry out a series of jobs at home or in the building that do not require a license. In some cases, it may only involve communication to the Chamber and in others this may not even be required.
Roof works
If you only carry out minor work and do not make any major changes to the roof, you will not need to apply for licensing, nor even notify the Council of the respective work.
Break down interior walls
First of all, if you want to tear down an interior wall, you will have to make sure that this work does not jeopardize the stability of the property or the building nor does it require you to modify the height of the house or the floors or the shape of the roofs or the facade. . Once this is guaranteed, you will not need to inform your municipality.
Install solar panels
As long as the installation of the panels does not exceed the height of the building by one meter or exceed the building's coverage, you will not be obliged to request permission or notify the Council.
Build a swimming pool
Do you want to take advantage of the hottest days to cool off in your own pool? It is, without a doubt, an excellent idea and we bet that your family and friends will think the same. And we have good news for you: you don't need to request a license from the local authority. However, you will have to make prior communication.
Fines for lack of license: be careful
According to Portuguese legislation, fines in case of infringement can vary between 500 euros and 200 thousand euros.
Construction inspection: can happen at any time
In cases where a license from the local authority is required, the work may be inspected at any time without prior notice, although this inspection is limited to the location of the work stipulated in the license.
Read full article here
Source: Idealista